Since 1999, Deep River Wellness Center has specialized in acupuncture in Knoxville. All new patients begin with a thorough examination by the practitioner. We will review your medical history, discuss your current symptoms and look for additional signs to determine possible causes. By following the practitioner’s recommendations and receiving treatment, patients have found relief from osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, nausea, vomiting, menstrual cramps, and back and neck pain.
Acupuncture focuses on helping patients heal naturally by targeting nodes and pathways throughout the body. Hair-thin needles are strategically placed to enhance your “qi” (life force). Once in place, you’ll relax (and potentially drift off to sleep) while we play soothing music in the background. We’ll do everything we can to maintain your privacy, giving you space with the necessary towels and/or sheets for your comfort.
Are you prepared to take action to address a recurring medical issue and feel better? We have the acupuncture therapy skills and knowledge to help you and are ready when you are. Call Deep River Wellness Center right away or reach out! The natural goods we recommend as part of our all-encompassing approach to wellness include teas, powders, fresh herbs, and pills. Today, we can support you!
After thoroughly reviewing your history and discussion/examination, you will embark on your healing journey with Deep River Wellness Center.
You will find the experience of acupuncture itself to be rather relaxing. After the hair-thin needles are inserted, you relax while listening to soothing music. Many patients will drift off to sleep during the therapy.
Augmenting the acupuncture, we will customize an herbal and diet regimen to help your body heal and balance.
After your session, you may feel relaxed or energized. The number of treatments we recommend will depend on the condition you’re experiencing. Your acupuncturist can also assemble a customized diet plan and integrate herbal medicine for the best results. Ultimately, we aim to help your organs, nerves, and blood vessels function as they should by restoring your body’s homeostasis.
Acupuncture has proven to be effective in reducing pain and swelling, assisting the healing process of tissue and wounds, improving flexibility and range of motion, and relieving anxiety.
We are closed from 12p-1p for lunch.